Saul Bretto

What area does the 360 micro sprayer cover?

At a pressure of 25 psi, this sprayer has a flow rate of 14 gallons per hour and a coverage radius of up to 6 feet. It is used for hydroponic, aeroponic, and cloning machine systems. Specifically, the sprayer is ideal for flowerbeds, shrubs and ground covers. One of the problems you may encounter is that of the sprayer distributing less water directly around its head. This problem can easily be solved by setting up your irrigation system so that one head sprays all the way to the other head. This system is known as head-to-head spacing and is particularly...

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Saul Bretto

Can I screw the 180 ­degree micro sprayers directly into the PVC pipe?

Of course, it depends on the thickness of the pipe, but in general, yes, you can. You might want to use a tap if you’re using a hard wall or PVC pipe. If you’re using a hose or a poly pipe, you can screw them directly, without having to drill the holes before that. Our micro sprayers are made of hard plastic so they can manage a substantial amount of pressure.

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